Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thank You Notes Galore

We've all been there for one occasion or another whether it was thank you notes for birthday gifts, graduation gifts, or for help with planning an event of sorts.  You want to show your appreciation for the gifts given or effort contributed, but life starts to get busy and things start to pile up until writing thank you notes just becomes that pesky thing that needs to be done.  And the further from the event it is, the more urgency with which these need to be written.  This article from The Nest outlines some fantastic points for how to make thank you note writing efficient and quickly getting the task done rather than having them be that one thing that stays on your to-do list for months.

Another personal favorite idea of mine for avoiding what becomes the hassle of thank you notes is to choose thank you notes that you love.  Just because thank you note writing can be dull doesn't mean that the notes themselves have to! Choose colors and patterns that reflect your likes and personality, even unique blank cards that can be turned into thank you cards.  Or you can use a service like Shutterfly or Wedding Paper Divas to put pictures of you and your husband on fun themed cards.  Then you will want to show off your taste and you will be more motivated to write these cards and get them sent out! Not only will you be happier looking at cards you love, but those who receive your cards will feel like you put even more time and effort into choosing cards and writing them showing even more of your appreciation!

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