Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Real Wedding: DIY Envelopes and Save the Dates

In the spirit of do it yourself projects, I decided to talk to a friend of mine, Lauren Kelley who has done quite a few DIY projects for her wedding coming up later in May including her own Save the Date cards and envelopes.  After creating her own Save the Date cards using the photo strip idea, Lauren realized that that there weren't any envelopes in the perfect size to fit her special cards.  So she decided to create her own out of cardstock.  After measuring the cards, she created a template for her envelopes and started cutting!  "The glue for these was a little bit expensive, but definitely worth it.  It worked really well to hold them together," she said.  She then finished off the envelopes with cute stamps for a personal touch.  In total she made 150 envelopes!


  1. This is really creative. Did she come up with it herself or find it somewhere? how long did it take to put all these together?

  2. She came up with the template herself with a little bit of trial and error. She said it took about four days total with the help of her mom.
